First, you need to log into your account. Then go to My Library to access all of your purchased magazines. When you find the one you want to view, click on the cover image. Magazines purchased and delivered through are available only online.
Yes, you can. You need to download and install the app from this link. Please make sure you've enabled the option to install apps from unknown sources inside your Android Settings.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to find our app on the Google Play store. It's against Google Play policy to publish apps with explicit sexual content.
Unfortunately, there is no dedicated iOS app. It's against Apple's policy to create or publish apps with explicit sexual content.
Yes, you can download magazines for offline use in the SkinMagz Android app.
All subscriptions purchased on are not time-related. You are subscribing to a specific number of issues.
Upon purchasing a subscription, the latest issue of the title, which you have subscribed to, will immediately appear in your library. Upcoming Issues will appear in your library as they are published the frequency of which depends on the publisher.
This depends on a publisher's schedule. Generally, a monthly magazine will be available one month from the last release date.
After your subscription is fulfilled we will NOT automatically renew the subscription and charge your credit card. We do not store your credit card information! To renew the subscription you need to place it in your shopping cart and make an additional purchase.
Yes. You can purchase multiple subscriptions of the same title. The additional subscription will be added to your library and will wait until the ongoing subscription is fulfilled. is a distributor of digital magazines. The publications we deliver can be viewed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone and are AVAILABLE ONLY ONLINE. does not deliver magazines that are printed on paper and we don't know where you can purchase hard copies.
Please contact us at and our customer service team will merge your accounts and notify you went it has been completed (within 10 business days).
Please contact customer service, at, to request a refund. We will gladly refund the unused portion of your subscription. However, we will not refund single-copy purchases. Once the issue has been viewed it's not subject to a refund unless there is a technical issue. We'll seek a way to resolve the problem before issuing a refund.
You can search for a specific magazine title within your library or the entire newsstand. You can search for your favorite model's name or topic. Happy hunting!
If you want to close your account please send us your name, and email address to Your opt-out request will be processed within 10 days of the date it was received and your records with us will be deleted.
Write us at Please describe the problem in detail and our customer service team will quickly resolve the issue.
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