Affiliate program, how it works?
- You must be a publisher of an adult-oriented magazine.
- Send us a PDF copy of your adult-oriented magazine. PDF must be Hi-Res, do not enable spreads.
- Our team converts PDF to an online-digital magazine and enrich content with links and bookmarks.
- You receive a review link to examine if everything is fine.
- Set a price and description, and your magazine is ready to go live!
- When your referrals with your affiliate link start buying your magazines you receive 70%* of commission otherwise you earn 30%*.
- For any other buy on SkinMagz store from your referrals, you earn 25%* of commission.
- Easy enough? Start selling your magazines now!
What is the affiliate link?
Affiliate ID is a unique URL string which helps us to recognise your referrals. It consists of acc parameter and ID string like: ?acc=abcdefghijklmn. Once a referral lands to SkinMagz Store it generates a cookie with proper affiliate ID. A cookie lasts for 30 days. Every time your referral hits SkinMagz Store, a cookie extends for another 30 days. Fair? As long you are sending traffic from your marketing sources with affiliate links you referrals earn you the commission.
There are three types of commissions:
- If YOUR referrals purchase YOUR magazine, you earn 70%*
- If YOUR referrals buy OTHER magazines, you make 25%*
- If someone else (without affiliate cookie) buys YOUR magazine, you get 30%*
*The percentage may vary.
Your monthly revenue is based on your referrals!
Promote magazines with an affiliate link in all your marketing and social channels. As long there is a constant flow of affiliate users, you are gaining commisions. Please bear in mind that SkinMagz promotes ALL titles, not just yours and from our experience best results are achieved when we work hand in hand with the publisher. Once a magazine goes live a promotion effort from SkinMagz side and yours, as a publisher, is a win-win situation.